
These Passive Investments Pay You to Golf


Every wish you were a golf pro or could get paid to golf? Get paid to do what you love.

At some point we all wish we could get paid to do what we love.  (see: doing what you love while getting paid) Does it matter where the money comes from?  Do you have to be Tiger Woods to get paid while you play golf?  No.  You can get paid by other sources while playing golf.

Passive investments allow you to be "passive" and collect money from the investments.  A business is active and Tiger Woods is a business.  He has to work to make money.  He has to show up.  He has to perform.  Then he collects.

Tiger does have many passive parts to his business like his endorsements which allow him to collect money while doing other things besides playing golf.  Regardless of his golf performance or his tabloid success Tiger Woods will be able to collect passive income for life just because he is Tiger Woods.

Unfortunately, you are not Tiger Woods.

However, you can still get paid to play golf.  Consider these passive real estate investments.  These triple net properties require little or no management and will pay you while you play golf, they will pay you while you travel, even pay you while you eat and sleep.  The leases are triple net so the tenant takes care of pretty much everything and you collect the rent check.... while doing what you love.

These triple net properties pay you to do what you love.

Contact TMO for more details on passive real estate investments like these triple net properties:

NET LEASED PROPERTIES for saleLowe's Net Leased Property $6,665,000 Excellent location across from a Walmart anchored retail corridor,Average Household income of $83,141 in 5mile radius,Absolute net lease, Attractive assumable financing requiring only $1.4M.


net leased propertyFedEx Net Leased Property $6,000,000 Cap rate 7.23% Fifteen (15) Year Lease, FedEx Corporate Guarantee (BBB), Expandable Facility


net leased propertyhhgregg Net Leased Property $6,143,000 8.50 % Situated on Major Retail Corridor with Over 78,000 Vehicles Daily, Irreplaceable Retail Location with Outstanding      Residual Value, Growing, Publicly Traded Regional Retailer with 174 Store Network

net leased propertyOrchard Supply Hardware Net Leased Property $11,110,000 Cap Rate 7.5% Rent increase by 11% in 2014, Primary lease, The Kroger Co - S&P rated BBB, Assumable $7.5 million loan


Starbucks Plaza Net Leased Property $4,604,000 8.20% Cap Rate 100% Occupied Strip Center with historically low vacancy. Mix of national, regional and local tenants, heavily Trafficked, Signalized Intersection Location.

net leased propertyNational Tire and Battery Net Leased Property $ 3,668,000 Cap Rate: 7.50% Brand New 20-Year Lease with National Tire and Battery.Cpi increases every Five year with max of 12 persent. New sweven year lease with American mattress. average household income in 1 mile radius - $129,000. over 11800 resident in 5 miles.

Contact TMO for more details on any of the above passive investments and net leased NNN property deals via email or phone at 1.866.539.1777 or twitter @andrusmorgan

Buy a NNN Property

Deals are a sampling of available NNN inventory from around the US and are for reference only.


Will you outlive your money?


What do you fear most? Death or outliving your money? As one of their daily snapshots this week, USA Today published the results of a survey by Allianz Life Insurance Co asking 44-75 year olds "What do you fear more?  Death or outliving my money?

And the results are in….

61% - Outliving my money

39% - Death

fear of outliving money

Death may be frightening, but to a majority of older Americans, the possibility of outliving their savings is even worse.

Maybe it's me, but that seems crazy:  Fear running out of money more than death? To believe that you need what you don’t have is a definition of insanity.

My grandpa used to always say "it's just money, you can always make more" ….but he developed pancreatic cancer as a result of stress from a large business transaction gone south. So, maybe the survey is right. But fear is subjective and we are all entitled to our opinions.

I would rather plan.  As the saying goes, if there is a monster chasing you in your dream, stop, turn around and ask it "what do you want?".  Facing fears is the best way to eliminate them. In this case retirement fears.

Fear of running out of money is #1 in Sydney Lagier's  Three Retirement Fears to Conquer.  Regular savings combined with investments into secure low risk investments will help conquer this fear and alleviate worry.  It is better to plan and prepare rather than regret and repair.

Objective Retirement Planning: use a retirement calculator.  The purpose of every retirement calculator is to tell you one or both of these two pieces of information:Time Is Money

  1. how much you need to save (usually per month) to be able to retire or
  2. how big of a nest egg you must have in order to retire

So.... How much income do you need in retirement? Try this retirement income calculator

Also, try these other retirement calculators which include calculators to figure out Retirement Income, Retirement Planning, Fixed Annuities, Immediate Annuities, Long-Term Care and Social Security Benefits.

Here are Four Steps to a Healthy and Prosperous Retirement

  1. Develop sources of reliable, lifetime retirement income
  2. Manage your living expenses
  3. Protect against things going wrong
  4. Plan for a good life.

At the end of the day, happiness is cheaper in retirement especially when you have planned and have passive income from various investments. The majority of retirees surveyed by Ameriprise Financial say that after a few years of retirement, money worries fade into the background as long as you have planned.