
What? That's the lease price?


$2,630 psf That's the sale price per foot right?


That's the lease price.

And I thought Walgreens paid a lot per foot for their NNN leases.

causeway-bay-pradaBased on below, how much would the building be worth if I rented a 1,000 sf building in Hong Kong Causeway Bay to Prada for the going rate of $2,630 psf? Let's assume NNN rent and going cap rate for such a primo location is 4% (which might be high!)

Annual rent: $2,630,000

Value at 4 cap: $65,750,000 for my 1,000 sf space

So... $65,750 psf to buy the space.

Makes Walgreens $300 to $400 psf look like a steal! Or Aspen at $1,000 psf is also a steal.


"We Buy and Sell the Earth"


Everyday on the way to drop my daughter off at school, I drive by this sign. I have a soft spot for vintage signs and typography. And this one, being real estate related, made me pull over to snap a shot:


"Easy terms, free lists", not much has changed, it is just missing the "www" and 800 #.

Is Baker Land co still around? I wonder how the sign made it from Doniphan MO to Carbondale CO?

Yes, I guess at the core that is what I do "Buy and Sell the Earth" but more specifically:

Relax..... Luxury Surf Yoga Retreat


Needing to take things down a notch but want to do it in style? Check out this Luxury Surf and Yoga Retreat by Three Jewels. (my bro/sis in-law's company)

Three Jewels Yoga and Surf Retreats from Three Jewels Retreats on Vimeo.

Three Jewels Retreats, A day in paradise at a Yoga and Surf Retreat

Music: Xavier Rudd "Come Let Go"

Whitewater - African Style


This video has been on my computer(s) since 2002 and finally got around to posting it a few weeks ago.  This is from our trip to paddle the Zambezi River on the border of Zambia and Zimbabwe below Victoria Falls.  My friends Simon and Doug shot most of the footage.  Hope you enjoy (rated PG for music lyrics):

not too seriously

A local coffee shop I visit has a sign above the door that reads "take your coffee seriously, not yourself".  With that credo in mind as well as taking a play out of Deyl's blog, my future posts and this blog for that matter will yes.... take themselves less seriously. Yes, investment real estate can be a serious business but also an immensely fun and exciting one as well.  In a world where life and business blend together in one continuous flow, fun is essential.  As Ben & Jerry say (said) "If is is not fun, why do it?".

If it's not fun, why do it?Photo Credit